Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lacking in Hours

I remember being on maternity leave with my first child, eagerly making lists, and more lists....and more lists; the long term projects I wanted to complete such as organizing pictures into albums and cleaning out the shoe closet; the short term goals of vacuuming, making dinner, and cleaning the bathroom. I oozed optimism at all of the things I would get done before I went back to work.

In short order, however, I realized that I was incredibly overly optimistic in my goal setting. I started getting frustrated that on Wednesday, I was still crossing things off Monday's list. I eventually learned to only list the really important errands and possibly an extra goal or two.

With even more experience, the list dwindled to include:
1. feed, change, and bathe baby
2. try to eat and shower

Finally, I found success...well, most days.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, you have just captured my last two months! I have plans to get the curtains dry cleaned and the carpet steamcleaned, yet they need seems to get done! Oh well, what can you do. When I look at Mikayla and see how much she has changed in 2 1/2 yrs it makes me what to cry because it has gone so fast. I am trying to enjoy each day and each stage with my girls and not sweat the small stuff! :)
