Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Joining Forces

Perhaps the events of the recent Presidential election have had more of a profound effect on me than I realized. It is no small task for the first African-American President Elect to accomplish what Barack Obama has accomplished...with the aid of his wife supporting him of course. I refer to the old saying that, "Behind every great man is a great woman."

My goal with this blog is no smaller is scale than the uphill battle the Obamas have faced for the last two years. My goal is to unite mothers along a common thread. That thread being motherhood.

So often in our crazy, over scheduled, do everything ourselves lives, we lose track of the fact that there is a vast support system in the world that understands, empathizes, and shares in the triumphs and sorrows that we experience each day.

I hope that by presenting my bits of knowledge and experience, that I can attract a gathering of ideas, support, and encouragement to share with other moms. Please join me in taking the first steps to reach across devisive barriers and embrace other moms just because we share that common bond....we are all moms.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, having a network of other mothers is so very helpful. I remember when I first became pregnant with my son that I immediatly started fast forwarding to how am I going to do this and work also. I started out with finding a daycare provider who loved and cared for Sean dearly. Thoughout the years, he has had multiple care providers now. But what I have learned is that I am building bridges. A network of other mothers that I trust and can help us out when we need them. When I married my husband, I became good friends with his friends' wives as well and we share childcare, datenights, and have playdates. My neighbor has become one of my most trusted allies in a safehaven for Sean. Our children will play for hours at eachothers homes, we feed them, watch them in times of need while running errands and mostly I have an adult interaction. Being able to have a margarita in the backyard and chat about the day while the kids play is such a simple yet much appreciated respit. I am thankful for the network of mothers that I can call my friends. And I have learned that it does infact take a village!
